Recent Complaints:
Hoses and yard supplements are impeding the lawn maintenance from their cutting and trimming tasks.
Some residents have installed shrubs, plants, fencing and lawn lighting that is not allowed and that is impeding the
correct maintenance of the lawns.
Children have been using the community common property as playgrounds and causing litter, noise and general disruption
of the quiet enjoyment of many of the residents. The common area next to any residence should be considered as not available
for recreation purposes.
Cars parked in the street overnight is a continuing problem.
Commercial vehicles parked overnight anywhere in Waterford Lakes is not allowed. A commercial vehicle is ANY vehicle
that either displays signs or is visibly and obviously used in a commercial or maintenance or municipality capacity weather
a pick up truck, a car, or a utility bed vehicle or trailer.
Vehicles have been observed exceeding the 15 MPH signs, and it is not just the young adults doing it.